Should you choose a standard hob or a Kuttura one?
To be sure that even after many years your kitchen will still be as shiny and beautiful as when it was first installed, it is essential to know how to take care of each of its surfaces.
Of all surfaces, the hob is certainly the most susceptible to food and grease stains, so much so that many people choose stainless steel hobs, only because they think that it is the only surface that can survive everyday use. In the search for the seemingly most practical solution, most people thus give up the possibility of having a much more original hob in their home than the usual steel hob.
But is an unconventional hob such as majolica-tiled one really more delicate?
How to clean majolica tiles
Actually, ceramics are not a difficult material to clean at all: after all, they are usually used to cover various surfaces in our homes.
It is true, however, that cleaning certain types of ceramics may require a little extra care. For example, to preserve the brightness of majolica decorations for a long time, it is necessary to avoid cleaning the tiles when they are still hot. Another precaution to be taken concerns the materials and substances used for cleaning: just use specific non-acidic products or simply wipe with a damp cloth.